Thursday, February 18, 2010

My first song

It all begain in January 2009 when I got a microphone and an amateur audio recording system from U.S. with the help of a friend. I had already started learning various open source software for recording, audio editing, mixing and mastering. It was a dream for me to have a home recording studio. Unlike professional studios, one doesn't need to pay hourly rates for your recordings in a home studio. :)

I was writing a song called Raindrops, inspired by the Pune monsoons which were late that year. I sat in hot afternoons, with the fan off, recording and rerecording my song. I had to work really hard to get something close to good. Then the inevitable happened. My system crashed, I lost all my recordings. I abandoned my song for quite some time, discouraged a little and didn't take out time for working on it.

I had to setup all software from scratch. I finally recorded and finished the song recently. Though I had planned a multi-track recording, and recorded a second bass track for my song, I wasn't satisfied with the results and left a single track with my guitar on it.

The song has the longing for rain and the pleasure that touches me when after long hot summers, the first raindrops hit the ground, making nature so beautiful and the pleasant smells filling the air. I was inspired by the 'Rain Song' from Led Zeppelin to write about rains.

Download the song from here:


Anonymous said...

good one but if there wud hav been lyrics then it could hav been better!
but it was relaxing when i was hearing it during these(monsoon) times

Raghu said...
