Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mittal theory of crow shit

On a company campus where I used to stay once, there were huge trees where a large number of birds, mainly crows used to sit on the tree and attack unsuspecting people with their droppings. The crows went out to work (or something equivalent) during the day but were present at night, ready for their next attack.

The modus operandi of the crows matched with that of the jehadi terrorists. In fact, we can probably call the crows - a bunch of terrorists. Why, you ask? The attacks are always random, even though the victims always claim that they were the intended targets. The attacks are also sudden and can happen at any time, any place under the tree and generally happen when you least expect them. And lastly, the crows instil in us, a feeling of disgust as well as fear.

Looking at the above picture, I tried to apply some mathematics on this issue and came up with a theory which I tentatively named as 'Mittal theory of crow shit'.

The theory can be elaborated as follows:
On the ground, you see white spots of crow shit covered all over the road, only thing is - their density varies a lot. Imagine the road as your sample space and the spots as the plotted points. So the density of white spots indicates the probability of another attack that may happen at the same place. That is, at the place where density of spots is more, there is more chance of an attack than at a place with lesser density. Thus you can calculate the regions which are more prone to attacks and which are less.

But there is a statutory warning that I need to supply with my theory. And that is applicable to all sorts of probabilistic models. It is the fact that probability never tells you precise information about the next attack (an event), it tells only the probability or chance of the event to happen. Thus probability can't save you if providence has chosen you as its next victim. And worst part is, the probability of an attack at any time is never zero at any location under the tree.

Talking about the solutions to this problem of terror, the issue can be tackled in various ways.
My favorite, but the one which will never be implemented, is to eliminate the terrorist camps in the area where they are trained, that is cut off all the trees and finish the habitat of these terrorists.
The second is that you carry a pistol in hand, by which you can probably kill one or two terrorists but the problem will largely remain unsolved.
The third one is the most popular, lifted from the case study of terrorists. That is to make yourself immune to attacks by protecting yourself or shielding yourself using special equipment, in this case carry an umbrella to protect yourself from their projectiles.

Or what you can also do, like the Indian politicians, after every attack, condemn the attacks, use tough words, say that the terrorists will be severely dealt with, but do nothing and pray for somebody else to do the job for you. Just ignore them till they attack you again when you can do the whole process again and thus a vicious circle will be formed.

Well, there is an extra bonus measure on offer. Call the terrorists as a part of a minority community, fight for their rights, give them reservation to sit on those trees and stop anybody from harming them, and say proudly that you coexist with the black crow community, while the crows keep giving you more and more shit ...


Rohit said...


Anonymous said...

even better than Einstein's general relativity theory.....
wish it was part of CBSE syllabus!